BFWSS Receives Funding for Watershed Project

BFWSS received funding for Phase 1 of a 3 phase project to explore and implement citizen co-managed eco-forestry practices in the Boundary watershed.


(Citizen Co-Managed Eco-Plan)

Our Goal:   Combine practical expert research with community action to actualize a watershed that is:

  • managed and governed by the citizens who are impacted by it
  • managed under a framework that  embodies the principles of sustainability, ecological governance, and social and ecological resilience

A 3- phase process

Phase 1:  Initial Report (2020) & Laying the Groundwork

  • Generate an initial report to use as a starting point to move towards the eventual implementation of a citizen managed, eco-system based conservation plan (EBCP).
    • The two priorities of EBCP:
      • Protect and restore ecological integrity including the natural composition, structure, and function of the eco-system. 
      • Provide for balanced human and non-human use. 
  • Report will describe the state of the Boundary watershed and give recommendations for how to fix ecological and economic problems.
  • Begin to compile a database of ecological, social, economic, governance data
    • Increase our understanding of the problems, solutions, and opportunities for managing our watershed using an ecological governance model (including possibilities under the new Water Sustainability Act).
    • Identify stakeholders
    • Case studies of communities managing their forests and watersheds
    • Explore economic solutions to the current forestry crisis
  • Build community support through an education campaign.
  • Collaborate with local and provincial government and other stakeholders to forge a path towards solutions, best practices, and opportunities.

Phase 2:  Design the Eco-system Based Conservation Plan & Create a Path to Local Governance

Phase 3: Establish a Citizen’s Committee & Implement the Eco-system Based Conservation Plan

Join us as we try to restore and protect the loveliness of the Boundary forests (and create jobs at the same time – we’re not forgetting about jobs).

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